Friday, July 30, 2010

Across the United States

I've been traveling, so no cooking. I went through both of my grandmothers collections of recipe books and the only thing semi-interesting I could find was an old Wilton cake decorating book. P.S I walked into my grandma's kitchen in California (she changes kitchen theme's ALL the time) guess what her kitchen theme was? Chocolate!!! Just like mine. She wanted to give me all of her chocolate stuff, but I told her to send it to me when she decided to change her kitchen. It was CRIZAZZY!

I'm sitting at my best friends house right now with the dog. Trying to figure out my plan for when I return home. The first thing I want to do is try a 10 day vegetarian challenge. I also need to purge my refrigerator. I have discovered that purging the refrigerator and pantry needs to be a weekly routine BEFORE you go to the grocery store. The only problem is time....
My goal before Thanksgiving is to make a few successful pies COMPLETELY from scratch the old fashioned way. I'll have to bring them to school to be eaten. Pie crusts scare me and I'll need to get a rolling pin. I have been successful at the I will begin the giant leap into pie crusts...I think I need to get a hold of this book and this book

P.S I am DEFINITELY planning on having a Harry Potter Party for when the new Harry Potter movie comes out. Stay tuned for updates.


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