Monday, September 6, 2010

My crisp wasn't very crispy

I am trying to live a healthy lifestyle. Eating less fats, cooking more of my own meals....eating 1600 calories a day. Going for hour long walks, training for a 5k in October...
I've lost over 3lbs now (Whoot! Go me!)
So today I was going to clean my house, and make meals for the rest of the week...I succeeded in cleaning my dinning room and my kitchen, two loads of laundry, almond covered chicken tenders and peach and blueberry crisp. The chicken tenders were YUMMY! Still waiting to eat the crisp...but it didin't come out crispy?!!? I was running back and forth between my computer and the kitchen to get the recipe (instead of printing it off like a smart person would do) so i might have put too much butter into the topping is all I can think of..I DID learn that to peal a peach you need to drop the peach in boiling water for 30 seconds then run it over cold water, THEN you peal it with a pearing's pretty slick!!
Addendum Sept 7th: I realized I didn't put the oatmeal in my topping that's why my crisp didn't come out crispy


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