Sunday, May 15, 2011

Amy Vanderbilt-Pacing Housework

OH! I've been so overwhelmed lately! I feel like a failure as a single 'cause it is utterly impossible to keep my house clean w/ two mischievous cats and one messy house guest (Myself.) If Myself cold just get in line w/ Me my life would be uber easier. I'm trying to remind myself Ms. Vanderbilt says "The main concern is to do a satisfactory job in a resonable period of time-YOUR time, not your neighbor's (and not what your imagination tells you everyone else is capable of -s.v)Active people take on a number of projects and thrive on them. They actually go downhil if they are not busy and challenged constantly. (she's speaking of me here.) It is a personal matter to discover your own pace and stick with it. The family will benefit from the calm radiance of a woman who has found herself. (oh please God, let me find myself) Whether you shoot sparks or burn slowly doesn't matter as long as you are yourself, all in one piece."

This is encouraging and doesn't make me feel like such a failure. If Ms Vanderbilt says I'm okay, I must be okay.  Even when my house isn't perfect. I can find peace and order at my own pace. Back to day 1. Shine your sink.


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